Dette innlegget er både en blogganbefaling og en liten oppdattering av de to siste innleggene her på mariesme. Det skjer som tidligere fortalt mye lærrerikt og infomativt på Twitter disse dager – les og lær sammen med meg!
Kanskje blir det mye klipp og lim her idag, men jeg anbefaler tross alt bloggen jeg låner ordene fra. Husker ikke hvor jeg selv “fant” bloggen, men imorges kom det et-par innlegg på Google Readeren min derifra og jeg lot meg fascinere av følgende:
One of the big pieces of news for us social media nerds this evening was that according to Reuters, the US State dept. has been talking to Twitter management in order to get them to postpone scheduled downtime. The intention was obviously to keep the dissidents able to communicate. This means that the US is – very quietly – taking sides for the dissidents. It is very clever of them that they don’t undermine the movement by giving it the impression of being USA-backed. If this runs its course, the US gets the first step on the way to where they want Iran, the dissidents get to keep their aura of grassroots, local change (an aura that reflects their real nature, as far as I can see without leaving my chair) and the people of Iran get a new, less authoritarian system of government and a revitalised public sphere, human & women’s rights and labour movement.
Bildet er Scitchet fra den store kloke boken. Spennende tider…
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