På den thailandske ferieøya Koh Lanta, ligger er det minst to steder som tilbyr kurs i matlaging til tilreisende. Vi valgte Roi Thai, mens andre velger Time For Lime; begge koster 1800 Baht (like over 300 NOK), lover samme type ferdighetsopplæring og begge henter/bringer deg til valgt sted på øya. Vi lærte å lage rød currypasta fra bunnen av, Fresh Spring Rolls (altså ikke friterte) med GINGER-dipp, skikkelig Fried Rice med grønnsaker, en wok-rett med grønnsaker og kylling/biff eller sjømat og så en Baracuda-filet i rød currysaus. Jeg deler alle oppskriftene her, men på engelsk da jeg ikke er helt sikker på enkelte ingrediensers korrekte norske navn.

Obs! Skal du reise til Thailand, er det greit å vite at ting har endret seg i matforberedelsene de siste årene, så mange kjøkken prøver å tilpasse seg det de mener vi vestlige ønsker – be om spicy ellers får du mat uten chili, og pass deg for steder som bruker mye smør i matlaginga. (Hilsen ei som var helt sikker på at her var vi laktoseintolerante i en liten perfekt matboble.)
Tips: Her brukes det helst palmeolje og peanøttolje – sitnvente til matlagning, førstnevnte til fritering.

Red Curry Paste
· 5 dried soup chilies, seeded and soaked
· 5 shallots, sliced
· 10 cloves
· Garlic, sliced
· 1 tbsp finely sliced gangali
· 1 tbsp lemon grass sliced
· 1 tbsp finely slices kaffir lime round
· 2 tbsp chopped coriander root
· 5 peppercorn
· 1 tbsp roasted coriander seeds
· 1 tbsp roasted cumin
· 1 tbsp shrimp paste
Pound together coriander seeds, cumin and peppercorn to a fine paste, and put this in a separate bowl. Then, you pound the dried chilies before you add gangal-root, lemon grass, kaffir lime, coriander, roots and garlic. Then, add the shrimp paste that you have heated up a bit and continue pounding all of it until the texture is smooth. Now, you need to use a blender or such for a few minutes and then it’s all done. The paste will last about a month if you have added the shrimp paste, much longer if you add it each time you will be cooking with it.

Fresh Spring Roll
Paw Pia Sod
10 sheets of rice papers
200g-rice vermicelli, boiled
10 shrimps shelled and cooked with some ground chicken breast
Basil lettuce, bean sprouts (boiled), carrot, chalots and cucumber.
Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Boil the rice vermicelli for 3-5 minutes. Fill a large bowl wit warm water and place the sheets of rice paper in this. When the sheets are soft and sleek, add pre-cut vegetables and the shrimp/chicken to the sheets and fold as regular spring rolls.
Ginger Dip
· ½ cup of vinegar
· 1/1 cup of fish sauce
· ½ cup palm sugar
· 1 tbsp salt
· 1tbsp red spur chili
· 1 tbsp garlic (3 cloves-ish)
· 1 tbsp chopped ginger
· ¼ cup nicely shopped carrot
· ¼ cup shredded radish
Pound the chili and the garlic in a mortar until the content is smooth. Add all of the ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat and stir until boiling, and then simmer on lower heat for 10 minutes.
Fried Rice w/Vegetables
Kao Pad Pak
· 1 cup steamed rice
· ¼ cup yellow corn
· ¼ cup diced carrots
· ¼ cup sliced tomatoes, seeds removed
· 2 tbsp Chinese mushroom, diced and soaked until soft
· 2 tbsp spring onion, finely cut
· 2 eggs
· 1 tbsp salt
· ½ tbsp ground pepper (white)
· 2 tbsp cooking oil
Sliced cucumbers, lime and spring onion can be cut to put on plate for serving if wanted.
Heat up the oil in a wok on medium heat. Add the eggs and stir until they are scrambled. Add the corn, carrots, onion and mushroom and keep stirring rather quickly, unless you want the eggs to burn. Add the steamed rice, season with salt and pepper. Now, turn up the heat and add the tomatoes and the spring onion and stir until all of the ingredients are mixed well.

Stir-fried seafood w/roasted chili paste
Seafood Phad nam Prik Phao
12 medium sized shrimps
100 g fish filet cut into 2 cm cubes
100 g squid
1 sliced onion
1 bell pepper (or pieces of three different colored peppers)
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
½ cup of sweet basil leaves
2 tbsp roasted chili paste
½ tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp white sugar
1 spur chili, cut into long strips
2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1. If you would rather use chicken or beef than seafood, just do it:-)
2. Heat up oil in a wok pan on medium temperature, and stir-fry the garlic until it becomes brown.
3. Then you add the seafood or meats along with onion and bell peppers. Season with roasted chili paste, fish sauce and sugar.
4. Sprinkle with sweet basil leaves, soy sauce and chili and stir-fry for 10-20 seconds.
Fish Filet w/red curry sauce
Choo Cheep La
400 g fish filet cut in half
3 tbsp red curry paste
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp sugar
400 g coconut milk
2 kaffir lime leaves thinly sliced
1 red spur chilly thinly sliced
1 tbsp cooking oil
Heat up the oil in a small pot or sauce pan over medium heat. Add the coconut milk and the red curry paste and wait until you smell the aroma and the oil has clearly separated from the coconut milk. Add the fish, the fish sauce and sugar. Leave in the pan over medium temperature until the fish is cooked, add kaffir live leaves and cook for another minute. Serve with steamed rice.
Dette var en flott plass å ha kokkekurs på også:-)